A useful summary of string methods ✂️ · course = "Python Programming" course.upper() # Returns a string uppercase course.lower() # Converts a string to...
Keep it in mind 🧠 · Using mystical names for variables, such as p1 or xyz_1. If someone else reads your code, they won't have a clue of what you're...
How does the magic occur? · Machine Learning has so many applications in daily life, and it's going to be crucial for humanity in the next few decades....
Modules are pieces of code that others have written to fulfill common tasks, such as performing mathematical operations. A good example is math...
How does comments and docstrings work in Python? Let's check it out. · Comments are annotations used to help others understand your code. They don't...
Note: Trust yourself. Sometimes, what you think is wrong is actually right. · Given a situation where you just want to sum even numbers in a list, the...